the power of your people strategy.

A check of a database or a typical interview process will not reveal a racist, sexist or unethical behavior. Leading businesses agree that the decisions need to be made with full disclosure and all relevant information.

today's environment requires in-depth expertise.

Headlines, #MeToo, and numerous protests in the last few years have made it clear that integrity, character, and morality matter. We work with leading talent acquisition firms and people departments from small to Fortune 500 companies to provide the missing puzzle pieces.

Full disclosure

Seeing a completed jigsaw puzzle is more revealing than looking at individual pieces. It doesn’t have to be hard to use actual information instead of guesswork before making decisions. We provide an uncluttered overview that allows you to be more educated and improve your results.

Due diligence

We want you to lead in the new reality. A fullscope background for key individuals in your life allows you to Identify potential risks in advance, analyze them and take precautionary steps to reduce the risk. A gap in your decision making process in your business can cost millions. A gap in your decision making process in your personal life can be incalculable.

Peace of mind

It’s almost impossible to recover from the missteps from selecting the wrong person. A fullscope background investigation allows you to easily gain insights, spot potential problems and reveal possibilities. It’s the one decision that eliminates 1000 others. We want you to spend more time with the right people!

whoever heard of the perfect candidate?

We're in a communication jungle out there. Your only hope to hit the target is to be selective, to concentrate on the right things and rely on actual information instead of guesswork.

WHY fullscope background?

You are not alone

We are your trusted partner to identify the people who will have the greatest positive impact on your life.

We are flexible

FullScope Background investigators maintain the appropriate licenses and professional liability insurance to protect ourselves, our employees and our clients.

We value your time

All our data from our reports are based on a un-biased view and factual evidence. We will not persuade any client of the guilt or innocence of individual under investigation, we will not omit any facts or material data, FullScope will simply advise based on our findings.

Through a lifetime of extracting insights on the front lines, we uncover the human truths beyond the data giving you the confidence to experience life’s richness.